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Joint ENC - ISMAR Conference April 6 - 10, 2025

Co-Hosted by Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Research Conference (ENC) at the ASILOMAR CONFERENCE CENTER

Follow us. Mention @ENC_Conf and #ENCISMAR2025 in your social media posts.

Program Committee

The Joint ENC-ISMAR 2025 Conference technical program is guided by a joint program committee comprised of the ENC Executive Committee members and ISMAR representatives. This joint program committee will work in topical task force groups to determine invited speakers as well as review abstracts for promoted talks and poster presentations.  The joint program committee is led by the conference co-chairs.

 Sharon Ashbrook, 66th ENC Chair,
Co-Chair Joint Conference
University of St. Andrews
 Michael Sattler, 24th ISMAR Chair,
Co-Chair Joint Conference
Technical University of Munich

Lucia Banci, CERM, University of Florence

Christian Bonhomme, Sorbonne University

Gaël De Paëpe, CEA / Grenoble Alpes Univ.

Kendra Frederick, University of Texas Southwestern

Rieko Ishima, University of Pittsburgh

Danielle Laurencin, CNRS Montpellier

Rasmus Linser, TU Dortmund

Thorsten Maly, Bridge 12 Technologies

Gosia Marjanska, University of Minnesota

Rachel Martin, University of California, Irvine

Carl Michal, University of British Columbia

Andrew Namanja, Abbvie Drug discovery

Yusuke Nishiyama, JEOL Ltd.

Matthew Rosen, Martinos Ctr Harvard Med School

David Rovnyak, Bucknell University

Andre Simpson, Univeristy of Toronto

Laura Walkup, Cincinnati Children's Hospital

Vipin Agarwal, Tata Inst of Fundamental Research

David Britt, University of California, Davis

Luisa Ciobanu, CEA / NeuroSpin, Saclay

Daniella Goldfarb, Weizmann Institute

Hiroshi Hirata, Hokkaido University

Dennis Hwang, Inst of Biomedical Sci., Academia Sinica

Chris Jaroniec, Ohio State University

Masato Katahira, Kyoto University

Igor Koptyug, Novosibirsk, Int'l Tomography Center

Malcolm Levitt, University of Southampton

Andy Liwang, University of California, Merced

Guinevere (Jennifer) Mathies, University of Konstanz

Yoh Matsuki, Osaka University

Fazhan Shi, Univ of Science and Technology of China

Nikolai Skrynnikov, St. Petersburg State University

Claudia Tait, Oxford University

Thank you ENC Major Sponsors

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