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Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference



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Presenter Guidelines

FOR POSTERS - Please scroll to bottom of this page for details.


Note the following for your talk.

  • We want you to use the mouse as a pointer, so it will display on the session recording.
  • PowerPoint will be in Slideshow Mode. You will not be able to see your notes so print them out before your presentation.

Speaker PRACTICE Computers

  • ENC has a PC and Mac in Triton, the location of name badge pick-up. These machines will be setup the same as the computers in the session room.
  • You can test your presentations on these computers to make sure there are no compatibility issues.

PROMOTED TALKS (selected from abstracts) - If you are an invited speaker, please scroll down.

  • Promoted talks: Prepare your talk to be 10 minutes long (slides should be 16:9 aspect ratio). There will be five minutes following your talk for Q&A and speaker transition. 
  • Promoted talks: You do not present a poster, please prepare your talk only.
    Report to the session room 20 minutes before the session start to load your slides onto the ENC conference computer. You can load your slides earlier (even the day before), just make sure the AV tech puts the presentation in the appropriate folder.
  • There will be a MAC and a PC laptop available on stage for speakers. If you wish to use your own laptop, you must bring an HDMI adapter. We prefer speakers use the ENC conference computers. We will have identical ENC computers at the ENC registration desk, if you want to test compatibility beforehand.
  • Prepare your talk to be 20 minutes long (slides should be 16:9 aspect ratio). There will be five minutes following your talk for Q&A and speaker transition. 
  • You do not present a poster, only an oral presentation during the session. 
  • Report to the session room 20 minutes before the session start to load your slides onto the ENC conference computer. You can load your slides earlier (even the day before), just make sure the AV tech puts the presentation in the appropriate folder.
  • There will be a MAC and a PC laptop available on stage for speakers. If you wish to use your own laptop, you must bring an HDMI adapter. We prefer speakers use the ENC conference computers. We will have identical ENC computers at the ENC registration desk, if you want to test compatibility beforehand. 

FOR ALL POSTERS (please print your poster and bring with you!)

  • Prepare your poster to be no larger than 44-inches wide by 44-inches tall. We suggest you use PORTRAIT layout. Your poster may be taller than 44 inches, but it will hang below the board frame.
  • Your poster board number will appear in the mobile app and online planner (your poster board number is not your abstract submission ID).
  • Mount your poster on Monday morning before 14:00 in Fireside Underground (parking garage).
  • Remove your poster on Thursday at 15:45 (conclusion of the poster session).
  • Presentation times subject to change. At this time, we plan to have odd-numbered poster boards 'present' at the Monday and Wednesday Poster Sessions. Even-numbered poster boards 'present' at the Tuesday and Thursday Poster Sessions. Because poster board assignments will not be known until April, please present all days you are available, if you have a travel schedule conflict.


There are NO printing services at the Asilomar Campus. The following print shops in Monterey are within 5-10 miles of Asilomar and are accessible by Uber/Lyft, for example. 

The information provided below is approximate only and is subject to change. If you would like to use one of these shops to print your poster and pick it up at the shop, you will need to contact the shop directly to make inquiries, order, and pickup arrangements.

FedEx Monterey
799 Lighthouse Ave, Ste A, Monterey, CA 94940
Tel: +1-831-272-2298
Hours: Sun closed, Mon-Fri 9:00am - 7:00pm, Sat 10:00am - 6:00pm
Poster print at 44-inches WIDE x 48-inches TALL on heavy matte, $6:50/sq ft = $91. Less expensive paper options may be available.
Suggest placing order at least 5 days in advance of desired pick-up.

Minuteman Press
201 Foam Street, Monterey, CA 93940
Tel: +1-831-373-1822
Hours: Mon-Fri 7:00am - 4:00pm, Sat-Sun Closed
Poster print at 44-inches WIDE x 48-inches TALL on heavy matte, pricing unknown.
Suggest placing order at least 5 days in advance of desired pick-up.

Thank you ENC Major Sponsors

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