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Joint ENC - ISMAR Conference April 6 - 10, 2025

Co-Hosted by Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Research Conference (ENC) at the ASILOMAR CONFERENCE CENTER


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Vendors at the Joint ENC-ISMAR, April 6 - 10, 2025

Looking for the Hospitality Suites?! Find these located across the campus. Around and behind Chapel and Heather session rooms, near Merrill Hall, and across the street above the poster garage. A campus map will be posted soon.

Exhibit Booths are located with the technical posters in the Poster Garage. Look for booths to be staffed during the poster sessions, Monday-Thursday.


Location at the Conference

ACD/Labs Hospitality Suite: Scripps Conference Room
AIT / Qualytics Exhibit Exhibit Booth 08 (with posters in garage)
Alegre Science Exhibit Booth 02 (with posters in garage)
ATS Scientific Products FTS Exhibit Booth 07 (with posters in garage)
Bluefors Cryocooler Technologies, Inc. Exhibit Booth 16 (with posters in garage)
Bruker Hospitality Suite: Kiln
Cambridge Isotope Laboratories Hospitality Suite: Marlin
CIQTEK Co., Ltd.Exhibit Booth 12 (with posters in garage)
Cryogenic Limited Exhibit Booth 09 (with posters in garage)
Daedalus InnovationsExhibit Booth 01 (with posters in garage)
Doty Scientific Hospitality Suite: Surf & Sand
Field Cycling Technology Ltd.Exhibit Booth 17 (with posters in garage)
GMW Associates & Metrolab Exhibit Booth 11 (with posters in garage)
HTS-110 LP Exhibit Booth 06 (with posters in garage)
IMRIS-SSI Exhibit Booth 18 (with posters in garage)
ISOTEC/MilliporeSigma Hospitality Suite: Sanderling
JEOL USA, Inc. Hospitality Suite: Fred Farr
Keysight TechnologiesExhibit Booth 20 (with posters in garage)
Magritek Inc. Hospitality Suite: Afterglow
Mestrelab Research, S.L.  Hospitality Suite: Evergreen
MR Resources with IVAN NMR Users and Q.One Hospitality Suite: Oak Shelter
National NMR Resources in the Cloud Hospitality Suite: Willow Living Room
Norell, Inc. Hospitality Suite: Dolphin
Oxford Instruments Exhibit Booth 04 (with posters in garage)
PhoenixNMR LLC Hospitality Suite: Embers Living Room
Q One Instruments Exhibit Booth 03 and Hospitality Suite: Oak Shelter
Resonance Exploration Technologies Exhibit Booth 05 (with posters in garage)
Silantes GmbH Exhibit Booth 14 (with posters in garage)
SuperCon Solutions
Exhibit Booth 15 (with posters in garage)
Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corporation
Exhibit Booth 13 (with posters in garage)
Tecmag, Inc Hospitality Suite: Curlew
Triangle NMR Exhibit Booth 10 (with posters in garage)
Virginia Diodes, Inc.Exhibit Booth 19 (with posters in garage)
Wilmad, ATS Scientific Products Hospitality Suite: Hearth Living Room

Thank you ENC Major Sponsors

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